Education: Ph.D., 1982, University of Texas at Austin
Research Interests:Dr. Donna Barnes primarily studies social movements. She has done archival research
on one of the largest agrarian protest movements in U.S. history, the Southern Farmers
Alliance, which emerged in the late 1870s and grew to prominence in the 1880s and
1890s. In addition to articles, encyclopedia essays, and book chapters, she has published
two books on the Farmers Alliance movement and the Populist Movement of which it was
a part:Farmers in Rebellion(1984) andThe Louisiana Populist Movement(2011). Other social movements she has researched include the anti-draft movement
in the Japanese American internment camps during World War II, farmworker movements
in California and Texas, and most recently the anti-mandatory hijab movement in Iran.
Barnes, Donna. 2016. "Race and the Louisiana Populist Movement, 1881-1900." InNorthern Louisiana History and Culture since the Civil War, vol. 2. Ruston, LA: McGinty Press, Louisiana Tech University.