Support the Future of Sociology at UNT
At the Department of Sociology, we are dedicated to fostering critical thinking, innovative research, and a deep understanding of social structures. Your support helps us push the boundaries of knowledge and empowers the next generation of sociologists to make meaningful, lasting contributions to society and academic discourse.
Why Your Gift Matters
By giving to the Department of Sociology, you directly impact our ability to:
  • Fund innovative research that tackles real-world challenges like economic inequality.
  • Support hands-on learning experiences such as internships, fieldwork, and community-engaged research projects.
  • Expand opportunities for underrepresented students to excel in their studies and pursue careers in sociology.
  • Bring renowned speakers and experts to campus, creating unique learning opportunities for our students and the broader community.
Ways to Give
We offer a variety of giving opportunities to align with your philanthropic goals. Below, you’ll find a list of scholarships available for donation, each accompanied by a brief description. If you prefer to directly support the department's ongoing activities, you may contribute to our unrestricted gift account, the Sociology Scholarship Fund. To donate, simply click on the scholarship/account of your choice to access our online giving page.
Sociology Scholarship Fund
This general fund is used at the Chair’s discretion to support innovative research, community engagement initiatives, student scholarships, and creative pedagogy.
Leonard Benson Award Fund for Undergraduate Scholarships in Sociology
This scholarship was established in 2007 by Sociology faculty and alumni to honor faculty member Leonard Benson. The scholarship provides financial support to undergraduate Sociology students.
Alvin C Dorse Scholarship Endowment Fund
This scholarship honors Alvin C. Dorse, a former Sociology professor who passed away in 1987 at age 53. Established in 1992 by his colleagues, Drs. Susan Eve and Rudy Ray Seward, the scholarship supports both undergraduate and graduate students in Sociology.
Elizabeth Esterchild Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2006 by former Sociology faculty member Rudy Ray Seward to honor his colleague, Elizabeth Esterchild. The scholarship provides financial support to both undergraduate and graduate Sociology students.
Hiram J. Friedsam Graduate Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Hiram J. Friedsam, who served as a professor of Sociology as well as a dean at UNT. He joined the faculty of what was then North Texas State Teachers College in 1948 and was instrumental in establishing the Center for Studies in Aging, the first gerontology program in Texas and one of the first in the nation. A longtime supporter of the department’s student scholars, Hiram directed that his scholarship be used to support high-performing Sociology graduate students.
Lynne Killgore Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2022 by department alumna Lynne Killgore to provide support for non-traditional Sociology students, especially those with family caregiving responsibilities.
Lynne Killgore and David Michel Mentoring Program Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was established by alumna Lynne Killgore and her husband David Michel to provide scholarships for Sociology undergraduate students participating as mentors or mentees in the Sociology Mentoring Program.
David H. Malone Graduate Scholarship
This scholarship was named in honor of David H. Malone, a former professor of Sociology at UNT. Established by Shannon O’Brien in 2000, it was the department’s first scholarship exclusively dedicated to supporting graduate students.
Al Murdock and Glenn Howze Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2021 by UNT alumnus Al Murdock to provide financial assistance to undergraduate Sociology majors who have transferred to UNT from a community college.
Popescu Hester Sociology Excellence Award for Teaching Assistants and Fellows
This dual scholarship was created in 2022 by alumna Jennifer Hester Popescu and her husband Sorin Popescu to honor their late fathers, Ilie Popescu and Richard Hester, both lifelong advocates for the value of education and research in higher learning. The donors believe their fathers' passion and convictions deeply shaped who they are today, and they hope that recipients of this scholarship will carry forward that same spirit and dedication in their own lives.
Rudy Ray and Jean Ann Seward Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2006 by former Sociology faculty member Rudy Ray Seward and his wife Jean Ann Seward to support exceptional and promising Sociology students.
Create Your Own Legacy
Interested in making a transformative impact? Consider establishing a named scholarship or endowed fund! We can work with you to create a giving plan that fits your vision and ensures a lasting contribution. If you are interested in creating your own endowed scholarship, please contact our Department Chair.
Thank you for your support!