Ronald Kwon Picture

Ronald Kwon

Associate Professor
Office: Sycamore 288D
Office Hours: W 12:00-2:00 and by appointment
E-mail Address:
Highlights: Immigration, Race & Ethnicity, Gender, Inequality & Stratification, Political Economy/World Systems, Quantitative Methods
Education: Ph.D., 2018, University of California, Riverside.
Research Interests: Dr. Ronald Kwon is interested in the global dynamics of international immigration, economic globalization, and rising interracial marriage and their subsequent impact on stratification outcomes. Much of his research focuses on the dynamic role that institutional environments play in shaping social relations between groups from a comparative perspective. His work has appeared in Social Forces, The Sociological Quarterly, Journal of International Migration and Integration, and Ethnicities.
Selected Publications:
Kwon, Ronald, William J. Scarborough, and Tanya Faglie. 2022. "Exclusionary Attitudes toward Immigrants: Globalization and Configurations of Ascribed and Achieved Status across 14 European Countries." The International Journal of Comparative Sociology 63(4):155-183.
Scarborough, William J., Joanna R. Pepin, Danny L. Lambouths, III, Ronald Kwon, Ronaldo Monasterio. 2021. "The Intersection of Racial and Gender Attitudes, 1977 through 2018." American Sociological Review 86(5):823-855.
Curran, Michaela, Cynthia Cready, and Ronald Kwon. 2021. "The Rules of the Game: Healthcare Systems and Cross-National Attitudes about Healthcare Provision." International Journal of Comparative Sociology 62(4):311-348.
Scarborough, William J., Katherine Sobering, Ronald Kwon, and Mehr Mumtaz. 2021. "The Costs of Occupational Gender Segregation in High-Tech Growth and Productivity across U.S. Local Labor Markets." Socio-Economic Review.