Our pass-through PhD program is designed to streamline students' completion of a doctorate degree by offering a curriculum where students obtain their master's degree on the way to completing their PhD.

Students in the pass-through PhD program benefit from extended relationships with faculty and the continuity of our curriculum between master's and PhD programs. Our program is versatile for students who wish to pursue careers in the academy as faculty members or scholars, as well as those seeking applied settings in research or community-based organizations/foundations. We have a track record of students obtaining a wide range of jobs after graduation, including placement in major R1 universities, teaching-based colleges, research organizations, non-profits, and major corporate settings.

Pass-through students benefit from coursework which balances extensive methodological training, a core foundation of sociological theory, and ample opportunity to pursue classes in subfields that are of specific interest to students. Pass-through students complete all the requirements for their master's degree (usually within the first two years) and then continue to fulfill the requirements for the PhD degree.

For up-to-date information about the PhD program and its requirements, please see the UNT graduate catalog.

Pass-through students are usually funded for five years of study through a variety of teaching assistantships, teaching fellowships, research assistantships, and department or college-level fellowships. Additional information is available on our funding page.